flib 50 jaar
Published on: 15 November 2023

Temporary rental agreement abolished

In a previous article, we recently informed you about the developments in the rental market in connection with the bill aimed at (almost completely) abolishing temporary leases.

On 14 November 2023, following the Tweede Kamer, the Eerste Kamer has now also voted in favour of the private member’s bill proposed by PvdA and Christenunie to combat temporary leases as much as possible.

This will make permanent leases, i.e. indefinite leases, the norm again. This aims to better protect tenants’ rights. Only a narrow majority of the Eerste Kamer voted in favour, 44 out of 75 senators voted in favour of the initiative.

The initiative by MPs Nijboer and Grinwis amends Book 7 of the Civil Code and the New Civil Code Transition Act with the aim of better protecting tenants by strengthening rent protection. The bill therefore provides for the reversal of the general fixed-term rental agreements introduced with the 2015 Lease Market Transition Act. This change means that landlords of independent living accommodation and of non-self-contained living accommodation (such as rooms) will generally only be able to offer fixed-term rental agreements. That is, rental agreements for an indefinite period of time. Temporary rentals will remain possible under specific conditions. Pre-existing temporary leases will also remain valid.

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Do you have questions in the field of tenancy law? Then contact one of our lawyers by mail, telephone or fill in the contact form for a free initial consultation. We will be happy to think along with you.

Articles by Koen Wanders

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