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International contracts

Fruytier Lawyers in Business often acts as a business partner and advisor to entrepreneurs who do business at an international level. For example, we are often involved in the drafting and assessment of international contracts. Entrepreneurs increasingly move beyond national borders, which in addition to a lot of opportunities can also entail the concomitant risks. That is why international businesses should receive expert advice. Fortunately, we can use our partners in business from our LAW network for this. As a result, we have short lines of communication with expert lawyers who know exactly which aspects are important when doing international business with a party from their country.

Purchase and sales agreements

Correctly recording arrangements in an agreement is essential; international purchase and sales agreements involve additional aspects. These contracts must be legally watertight. In the event of a dispute, for example, it is important whether a choice is made for Dutch law in the agreement (choice of law), whether a Dutch court is chosen (choice of forum) and whether the Vienna Sales Convention applies. International entrepreneurs are advised to map out their position before concluding an agreement and to discuss the possible advantages and disadvantages of the above options. These choices are often made via general terms and conditions. It is therefore important to consider carefully which conditions apply to your agreement, or which conditions the counterparty would like to apply. Before you know it, you could be involved in litigation abroad, and that is by definition a costly business.

Experience in international legal proceedings

We know the ins and outs of international treaties and private international law, have extensive experience in international legal proceedings and arbitrations and are often involved in drafting and concluding international contracts. Not only purchase and sales agreements, but also distribution agreements and general purchase and sales conditions. On behalf of one of our clients, we also regularly collect an international claim from one of their debtors. The lawyers of Fruytier Lawyers in Business apply a careful and pragmatic approach, taking into account and respecting your interests as an entrepreneur. Due to our extensive experience in international business, we have a thorough knowledge of the differences in cultures and legal systems. As a result, we can support our clients efficiently and cost-effectively, not only in the European market, but also in the British and American markets. All lawyers at our office are specialists in international contract law and can also assist you in English, German, French, Spanish and Russian. If you have any questions or need more information, get in touch by filling in the form below.

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