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Patent Law

For inventions
Patents. Patent law provides protection for a new process or technical product developments. Condition: it must be an invention.

The law does not literally define an invention. An invention provides a technical solution to a problem and that solution must meet requirements of inventiveness, novelty and industrial applicability. These criteria are assessed by means of a novelty search. In the Netherlands patent applications are filed with the Netherlands Patent Office (part of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency). Is it also possible to apply for a European or international patent (PCT).
Also consider the option of secret expertise to be exploited.

(patent documents often contain drawings and exactly describe the new technology compared to the existing state of the art)

In all cases it is essential that the invention is described in minute detail in a legal and technical manner. Patent applications require the knowledge of a patent attorney, who describes the invention in a technical manner. We advise and litigate on patent law. In case of patent infringement by a competitor, cooperation with a patent agent and a specialised patent attorney is indispensable.

There are several procedures in patent law, including:

Enforcement procedures
Infringement bans
Damage claims and actions for the destruction of infringing goods
Opposition and revocation proceedings.
There may also be concurrence with copyright and design right and slavish imitation.

LINKS to the websites of the Dutch Patent Office, the European Patent Office and the World Intellectual Property Organization.


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